The intention is to provide access to all HP42S RPN commands or to provide an equivalent.
etc. are not valid Python syntax, so alternative names have been invented. E.g.
is exposed as e.g. isFS()
where it is difficult to type in the unicode Sigma Σ symbol,
so the command has been renamed CLStat()
( )
after the function,
so even RPN commands that are supported by the Python to RPN translator, like ABS
need to be called with brackets e.g. ABS(n)
. And if those RPN commands traditionally take
parameters from the 'stack' then you will need to supply those parameters inside the brackets e.g. ABS(n)
.if var < 0:
instead of X<0?
The description column in the table below is the original "pure" HP42S command description, which will often refer to the stack. The stack is not exposed to the user in Python so please translate these descriptions as follows:
which acts on stack x is simply SIN(var)
when accessed via Python.
. Notice
that y goes first because during conversion to RPN,
Python parameters are pushed onto the the stack from left to right, so the first parameter
ends up in the y stack position and the second parameter ends up in the x stack position.
which leaves a
character code (returned to the x-register)
should be used in Python like this e.g.: mychar = ATOX()
This is perfectly OK in Python. You just cannot get access to the result later, that's all.
An attempt has been made to redact material in the original "pure" HP42S command description column
which might be misleading. The text is struck out but remains, so that the original intent of the command
is visible, which may aid understanding and programming.
HP42S Command | Supported in Python to RPN | Comments | Parameters | Description (original HP42S) |
% | ✓ (renamed) |
(num,percent) | Percent. Returns (x × y) / 100. (Leaves the y value in the y-register.) |
%CH | ✓ (renamed) |
(y,x) | Percent change. Returns (x – y)×(100 / y). |
+ | ✓ | Addition. Returns y + x. | ||
+/– | N/A | Not applicable, please use native Python. |
1/X | ✓ (renamed) |
(n) | Reciprocal. Returns 1/x. |
10↑X | ✓ (renamed) |
(n) | Common exponential. Returns 10x. |
ABS | ✓ | (n) | Absolute value. Returns |x|. | |
ACOS | ✓ | (n) | Arc cosine. Returns cos–1 x. | |
ACOSH | ✓ | (n) | Arc hyperbolic cosine. Returns cosh–1 x. | |
ADV | ✓ | () | Advance the printer paper one line | |
AGRAPH | ✓ | (row, col) | Alpha graphics. Display a graphics image. Each character in the Alpha register specifies an 8-dot column pattern. The x- and y-registers specify the pixel location of the image. | |
AIP | ✓ | (n) | Append Integer part of x to the Alpha register. | |
ALENG | ✓ | () | Alpha length. Returns the number of characters in the Alpha register. | |
ALL | ✓ | () | Select the All display format. | |
ALLΣ | ✓ (renamed) |
() | Select ALLΣ (All-statistics) mode, which uses 13 summation coefficients. |
AND | No | Use built in Python boolean operators instead e.g. "not val or val2 and val3" |
AOFF | ✓ | () | Alpha off. Exit from the ALPHA menu. | |
AON | ✓ | () | Alpha on. Select the ALPHA menu. | |
ARCL | ✓ |
Same multi parameter features as alpha() except always appends to the alpha register. Must specify variables and literals, not the stack.
(...) |
Alpha recall. Copy data into the Alpha register, appending it to the current contents. Numbers are formatted using the current display format. Parameter: register or variable. |
AROT | ✓ | () | Alpha rotate. Rotate the Alpha register by the number of characters specified in the x-register. | |
ASHF | ✓ | () | Alpha shift. Shifts the six left-most characters out of the Alpha register. | |
ASIN | ✓ | (n) | Arc sine. Returns sin–1 x. | |
ASINH | ✓ | (n) | Arc hyperbolic sine. Returns sinh–1 x. | |
ASSIGN | ✓ | ASSIGN('someprog', 18) | (func, keynum) | Assign a function, program, or variable to a menu key in the CUSTOM menu. Parameter 1: function name, alpha program label, or variable name. Parameter 2: key number (01–18). |
ASTO | ✓ | (var) |
Alpha store. Copy the first six characters in the Alpha register into a register or variable. Parameter: register or variable |
ATAN | ✓ | (n) | Arc tangent. Returns tan–1 x. | |
ATANH | ✓ | (n) | Arc hyperbolic tangent. Returns tanh–1 x. | |
ATOX | ✓ | () | Alpha to X. Convert the left-most character in the Alpha register to its character code (returned to the x-register) and delete the character. | |
AVIEW | ✓ | Use the new alpha() function to build up strings of any length in the alpha register. | (...) | Alpha view. Display the Alpha register. |
BASE+ | ✓ (renamed) |
(y,x) | Base addition. Returns the 36-bit sum of y + x. |
BASE+/– | ✓ (renamed) |
(y,x) | Base change sign. Returns the 36-bit 2's complement of x. |
BASEx | ✓ (renamed) |
(y,x) | Base multiplication. Returns the 36-bit product of y x x. |
BASE÷ | ✓ (renamed) |
(y,x) | Base division. Returns the 36-bit quotient of y ÷ x. |
BASE– | ✓ (renamed) |
(y,x) | Base subtraction. Returns the 36-bit difference of y – x. |
BEEP | ✓ | () | Sound a sequence of four tones. | |
BEST | ✓ | () | Select the best curve-fitting model for the current statistical data. | |
BINM | ✓ | () | Select Binary mode (base 2) | |
BIT? | ✓ (renamed) |
(y,xth_bit) |
Test the xth bit of y. If the bit is set (1), |
BST | Not programmable | Back step. Move the program pointer to the previous program line. (Not programmable.) | ||
CF | ✓ | (flag) |
Clear flag nn (00 ≤ nn ≤ 35 or 81 ≤ nn ≤ 99). Parameter: flag number |
CLA | ✓ | () | Clear Alpha register. If Alpha mode is on and character entry is terminated (no cursor displayed), then ◄ also executes the CLA function. | |
CLALL | N/A | Not applicable, please use native Python. |
CLD | ✓ | () | Clear display. Clear a message from the display. | |
CLKEYS | ✓ | () | Clear all CUSTOM menu key assignments. | |
CLLCD | ✓ | () | Clear LCD (liquid crystal display). Blanks the entire display. | |
CLMENU | ✓ | () | Clear MENU. Deletes all menu key definitions for the programmable menu. | |
CLP | ✓ | Pass in the name of the function as a string e.g. CLP('myfunc') | (funcname_str) | Clear a program from memory. Parameter: global label |
CLRG | ✓ | Will clear all Python variables (but not named variables) - use with care. | () | Clear Registers. Clear all of the numbered storage registers to zero. |
CLST | N/A | Not applicable, please use native Python. |
CLV | ✓ | (var) |
Clear a variable from memory. Parameter: variable name |
CLX | N/A | Not applicable, please use native Python. |
CLΣ | ✓ (renamed) |
() | Clear statistics. Clear the accumulated statistical data in the summation registers. |
COMB | ✓ | As usual pass in two parameters instead of referring to the stack x and y. | (y,x) | Combinations of y items taken x at a time = y! / [x!(y-x)!] |
Takes one or two parameters. If the parameters are two normal numbers (real,imaginary) , returns a complex number e.g. complex_num = COMPLEX(0, 1) . Note: You can also enter complex numbers without this COMPLEX function using native Python syntax e.g. 0 + 1j which is engineering notation for 0 + i1 . Yes, Python uses the letter 'j' not the letter 'i' and puts it after the imaginary number, not before.If the parameter is a single complex number, returns two normal numbers - assign the two return values into variables e.g. real, imaginary = COMPLEX(complex_num)
(...) | Convert two real numbers (or matrices) into a complex number (or matrix). Converts a complex number (or matrix) into two real numbers (or matrices). |
CORR | ✓ | () | Returns a correlation coefficient using the current statistical data and curve-fitting model. | |
COS | ✓ | (n) | Cosine. Returns cos(x). | |
COSH | ✓ | (n) | Hyperbolic cosine. Returns cosh(x). | |
CPX? | ✓ (renamed) |
(n) |
If the x-register contains a complex number, |
CPXRES | ✓ | () | Complex-results. Enable the calculator to return a complex result, even if the inputs are real numbers. | |
CROSS | ✓ | (m,m) | Returns the cross product of two vectors (matrices or complex numbers). | |
DECM | ✓ | () | Selects Decimal mode (base 10). | |
DEG | ✓ | () | Select the Degrees angular mode. | |
DEL | Not programmable | Delete the specified number of lines from the current program. Program-entry mode must be on. (Not programmable.) Parameter: number of lines. | ||
DELAY | ✓ | (num_seconds) | Set the print delay time to x seconds. | |
DELR | mymatrix.delr(n) | Delete row. Delete the current row from the indexed matrix. | ||
DET | ✓ | (mvar) | Determinant. Returns the determinant of the matrix in the x-register. | |
DIM | mymatrix.dim(rows,cols) | Use this to resize existing matrices - you cannot create new matrices with dim() |
Dimension a matrix to x columns and y rows. If the matrix does not exist, DIM creates it. Parameter: variable name |
DIM? | ✓ (renamed) |
whatDIM(mvar) Returns two values, which need to be assigned to variables e.g. rows, cols = whatDIM(mymatrix) . Also consider len(mymatrix) if you just want the number of rows.
(mvar) | Returns the dimensions of the matrix in the x-register (rows to the y-register and columns to the x-register). |
DOT | ✓ | (n,n) | Dot Product. Returns the dot product of two vectors (matrices or complex numbers). | |
DSE | No | Use native Python for...range() or while... for looping. |
EDIT | ✓ | Exactly the same as EDITN - pass in the variable containing the matrix to edit. | (mvar) | Edit a matrix in the x-register. |
EDITN | ✓ | (mvar) |
Edit a named matrix. Parameter: variable name |
END | N/A | Not applicable, please use native Python. |
ENG | ✓ | (digits) |
Select Engineering display format. Parameter: number of digits |
ENTER | No | Use Python variables |
EXITALL | ✓ | () | Exit all menus. | |
EXPF | ✓ | () | Select the exponential curve-fitting model. | |
E↑X | ✓ (renamed) |
(n) | Natural exponential. Returns ex. |
E↑X-1 | ✓ (renamed) |
(n) | Natural exponential for values of x which are close to zero. Returns ex–1, which provides a much higher accuracy in the fractional part of the result. |
FC? | ✓ (renamed) |
(flag) |
Flag clear test. If the specified flag is clear, |
FC?C | No | Use any normal variable to store boolean values, test with the Python "if". |
FCSTX | ✓ | (n) | Forecasts an x-value given a y-value. | |
FCSTY | ✓ | (n) | Forecasts a y-value given an x-value. | |
FIX | ✓ | (n) |
Select Fixed-decimal display format. Parameter: number of digits |
FNRM | ✓ | (mvar) | Returns the Frobenius norm of the matrix in the x-register. | |
FP | ✓ | (n) | Returns the fractional part of x. | |
FS? | ✓ (renamed) |
(flag) |
Flag set test. If the specified flag is set, |
FS?C | No | Use any normal variable to store boolean values, test with the Python "if". |
GAMMA | ✓ | (n) | Gamma function. Returns Γ(x). | |
GETKEY | ✓ | () | Get key. The calculator waits for you to press a key. When you do, the key number is returned to the x-register. Keys are numbered from 1 through 37 ( Σ+ through ÷ )for normal keys and 38 through 74 (■ Σ– through ■CATALOG) for shifted keys. | |
GETM | No | Use Python matrix/list indexing and slicing syntax. |
GRAD | ✓ | () | Select Grads angular mode. | |
GROW | No | To compensate use the new command mymatrix.appendr() |
GTO | N/A | Not applicable, please use native Python. |
HEXM | ✓ | () | Select Hexadecimal mode (base 16). | |
HMS+ | ✓ (renamed) |
(n,n) | Add x and y using H.MMSSss (hours-minutes-seconds) format. |
HMS– | ✓ (renamed) |
(n,n) | Subtract x from y using H.MMSSss format. |
I+ | No | Use Python matrix/list indexing and slicing syntax. |
INDEX | No | Use Python matrix/list indexing and slicing syntax. |
INPUT | ✓ | Now takes a normal Python variable as a parameter - do not put variable in quotes. Specifying HP42S registers not supported. Note: The variable referred to as the parameter will be converted into RPN as a named variable rather than converted into an auto allocated numbered RPN register - unless that variable has previously been assigned to - in which case it will be converted into RPN as an auto allocated numbered register. | (var) |
Recall a register or variable to the x-register, display the name of the register or variable along with the contents of the x-register, and halt program execution. Pressing R/S (or ■SST) stores x into the register or variable; pressing EXIT cancels. (Used only in programs.) Parameter: register or variable |
INSR | mymatrix.insr() | Insert a row in the indexed matrix. | ||
INTEG | ✓ | Now takes a normal Python variable as a parameter - do not put variable in quotes. Specifying registers not supported. | (var) |
Integrate the selected integration program with respect to the specified variable. Parameter: variable name |
INVRT | ✓ | (mvar) | Returns the inverse of the matrix in the x-register. | |
IP | ✓ | (n) | Returns the integer part of x | |
ISG | No | Use native Python for...range() or while... for looping. |
I– | No | Use Python matrix/list indexing and slicing syntax. |
J+ | No | Use Python matrix/list indexing and slicing syntax. |
J– | No | Use Python matrix/list indexing and slicing syntax. |
KEYASN | ✓ | () | Selects key-assignments mode for the CUSTOM menu. | |
KEYG | ✓ | KEYG(1, 'somefunc') | (key, somefunc) | On menu key, go to. Branch to specified label to when a particular menu key is pressed. Parameter 1:: Key number (1 through 9), Parameter 2: program label (global or local) |
KEYX | No | Use Python variables |
LASTX | No | Use Python variables |
LBL | N/A | Not applicable, please use native Python. |
LCLBL | ✓ | In a RPN program generated from Python local alpha labels represent the user defined Python functions. | () | Select Local label mode for the CUSTOM menu (to use CUSTOM menu assignments to execute local Alpha labels within the current program). |
LINF | ✓ | () | Select the linear curve-fitting model. | |
LINΣ | ✓ (renamed) |
() | Select Linear statistics mode, which uses six summation coefficients. |
LIST | Not programmable | Print a portion of a program listing. (Not programmable.) Parameter: number of lines. | ||
LN | ✓ | (n) | Natural logarithm. Returns ln(x). | |
LN1+X | ✓ (renamed) |
(n) | Natural logarithm for values close to zero. Returns ln(1 + x), which provides a much higher accuracy in the fractional part of the result. |
LOG | ✓ | (n) | Common logarithm. Returns log10(x). | |
LOGF | ✓ | (n) | Select the logarithmic curve-fitting model. | |
MAN | ✓ | () | Select Manual print mode. | |
MAT? | ✓ (renamed) |
(x) |
If the x-register contains a matrix, |
MEAN | ✓ | Assign the two return values into variables e.g. 'a, b = MEAN()' | () | Mean. Returns the mean of x-values (Σx / n) and the mean of y-values (Σy / n) that have been stored with Σ+. The mean of x is returned to the X-register and the mean of y is returned to the Y-register. |
MENU | ✓ | () | Select the programmable menu. | |
MOD | ✓ | (y,x) | Modulo. Returns the remainder for y / x. | |
MVAR | ✓ | MVAR("length") etc. | Declare a menu variable in a SOLVER program. Parameter: variable name. | |
N! | ✓ (renamed) |
(n) | Factorial. Returns x!. |
NEWMAT | ✓ | (rows,cols) | New matrix. Creates a y × x matrix in the x-register. | |
NORM | ✓ | () | Select Normal print mode, which prints a record of keystrokes. | |
NOT | No | Use built in Python boolean operators instead e.g. "not val or val2 and val3" |
OCTM | ✓ | () | Select Octal mode | |
OFF | ✓ | () | Turn the calculator off (programmable). (Pressing ■OFF does not execute the programmable OFF function.) | |
OLD | No | Use Python matrix/list indexing and slicing syntax. |
ON | ✓ | () | Continuous on. Prevent the calculator from automatically turning off after ten minutes of inactivity. | |
OR | No | Use built in Python boolean operators instead e.g. "not val or val2 and val3" |
PERM | ✓ | (y,x) | Permutations of y items taken x at a time. Returns y!/(y – x)! | |
PGMINT | ✓ | Pass in the name of the function as a string e.g. PGMINT('myfunc') | (funcname_str) |
Select a program to integrate. Parameter: global label |
PGMSLV | ✓ | Pass in the name of the function as a string e.g. PGMSLV('myfunc') | (funcname_str) |
Select a program to solve. Parameter: global label |
PI | ✓ | () | Put an approximation of π into the x-register (3.14159265359). | |
PIXEL | ✓ | (row, col) | Turn on a single pixel (dot) in the display y: row (y axis) x: col (x axis) | |
POLAR | ✓ | () | Select polar coordinate mode for displaying complex numbers. | |
POSA | ✓ | (char) | Position in Alpha. Searches the Alpha register for the target specified in the x-register. If found, returns the character position; if not found, returns -1. | |
PRA | ✓ | () | Print Alpha register. | |
PRLCD | ✓ | () | Print LCD (liquid crystal display). Prints the entire display. | |
PROFF | ✓ | () | Printing off. Clears flags 21 and 55. | |
PROMPT | ✓ | (str) | Display the Alpha register and halt program execution. To store the value entered during the prompt into a variable simply assign to that variable e.g. myvar = PROMPT('enter val') | |
PRON | ✓ | () | Printing on. Sets flags 21 and 55. | |
PRP | Not programmable | Print program. If a label is not specified, print the current program. (Not programmable.) Parameter: global label (optional) | ||
PRSTK | ✓ | () | Print stack. Print the contents of the stack registers (x, y, z and t). | |
PRUSR | ✓ | () | Print user variables and programs. | |
PRV | ✓ | (var) |
Print variable. Parameter: variable name |
PRX | ✓ | Prints any variable to the virtual printer. E.g. PRX(myvar) | (var) | Print x-register. |
PRZ | ✓ | () | Print statistics. Prints the contents of the summation registers. | |
PSE | ✓ | () | Pause program execution for about 1 second. | |
PUTM | No | Use Python matrix/list indexing and slicing syntax. |
PWRF | ✓ | () | Select the power curve-fitting model. | |
QUIET | Not programmable | Toggle flag 26 to disable or enable the beeper (Not programmable ) | ||
R/S | ✓ | Use STOP() | () | Run/stop. Runs a program (beginning at the current program line) or stops a running program. In program-entry mode, inserts a STOP instruction into the program. |
R<>R | mymatrix.row_swap(row,row) | Row swap row. Swaps the elements in rows x and y in the indexed matrix. | ||
RAD | ✓ | () | Select Radians angular mode | |
RAN | ✓ | () | Returns a random number (0 ≤ x < 1) | |
RCL | ✓ | Whilst register use is generally not supported (use Python variables instead) sometimes it is useful to access a specific RPN calculator register e.g. a statistical register like 11 or 12 etc. You can do this with e.g. 'RCL(12)' and this instruction will be inserted into the converted RPN program. Typically entering the Python code 'x = RCL(12)' is more useful since you can then use that value somewhere or even display it e.g. print(x) | (register_num) | Recall data into the x-register. Parameter: register or variable |
RCL+ | No | Use Python variables instead, e.g. "myar = 100, myvar += 1, var2 = myvar" or even expressions like "myvar *= var3/(2-1)" |
RCL- | No | Use Python variables instead, e.g. "myar = 100, myvar += 1, var2 = myvar" or even expressions like "myvar *= var3/(2-1)" |
RCLEL | No | Use Python matrix/list indexing and slicing syntax. |
RCLIJ | No | Use Python matrix/list indexing and slicing syntax. |
RCL× | No | Use Python variables instead, e.g. "myar = 100, myvar += 1, var2 = myvar" or even expressions like "myvar *= var3/(2-1)" |
RCL÷ | No | Use Python variables instead, e.g. "myar = 100, myvar += 1, var2 = myvar" or even expressions like "myvar *= var3/(2-1)" |
RDX, | ✓ (renamed) |
() | Select a comma to be used as the radix mark (decimal point). |
RDX. | ✓ (renamed) |
() | Select a period to be used as the radix mark (decimal point). |
REAL? | ✓ (renamed) |
(n) |
If the x-register contains a real number, |
REALRES | ✓ | () | Real-results. Disables the calculator's ability to return a complex result using real-number inputs. | |
RECT | ✓ | () | Select Rectangular coordinate mode for displaying complex numbers. | |
RND | ✓ | (n) | Round the number in the x-register using the current display format. | |
RNRM | ✓ | (mvar) | Return the row norm of the matrix in the x-register. | |
ROTXY | ✓ | Pass two parameters to this function. | (y,x) | Rotate the 36-bit number in the y-register by x bits. |
RSUM | ✓ | (mvar) | Return the row sum of each row of the matrix in the x-register and returns the sums in a column matrix. | |
RTN | return | Return. In a running program, branches the program pointer back to the line following the most recent XEQ instruction. If there is no matching XEQ instruction, program execution halts. From the keyboard, RTN moves the program pointer to line 00 of the current program. | ||
R↑ | No | Use Python variables |
R↓ | No | Use Python variables |
SCI | ✓ | (digits) |
Select scientific notation display format. Parameter: number of digits |
SDEV | ✓ | () | Standard deviation. Returns sx and sy using the current statistical data. | |
SEED | ✓ | (n) | Store a seed for the random number generator. | |
SF | ✓ | (flag) |
Set flag nn (00 ≤ nn ≤ 35; 81 ≤ nn ≤ 99). Parameter: flag number |
SIGN | ✓ | (var) | Sign. Return 1 for x ≥ 0, –1 for x < 0, and 0 for non-numbers. Returns the unit vector of a complex number. | |
SIN | ✓ | (n) | Sine. Returns sin(x). | |
SINH | ✓ | (n) | Hyperbolic sine. Returns sinh(x). | |
SIZE | ✓ | (n) | Set the number of storage registers. Parameter: number of registers. | |
SLOPE | ✓ | () | Return the slope of the linear transformation of the current curve-fitting model. | |
SOLVE | ✓ | (var) |
Solve for an unknown variable. Parameter: variable name |
SQRT | ✓ | (n) | Square root. Returns √x. | |
SST | Not programmable | Single step. Moves the program pointer to the next program line. (Not programmable.) | ||
STO | No | Use Python variables instead, e.g. "myar = 100, myvar += 1, var2 = myvar" or even expressions like "myvar *= var3/(2-1)" |
STO+ | No | Use Python variables instead, e.g. "myar = 100, myvar += 1, var2 = myvar" or even expressions like "myvar *= var3/(2-1)" |
STOEL | No | Use Python matrix/list indexing and slicing syntax. |
STOIJ | No | Use Python matrix/list indexing and slicing syntax. |
STOP | ✓ | () | Stop program execution. (R/S in program entry mode). | |
STO× | No | Use Python variables instead, e.g. "myar = 100, myvar += 1, var2 = myvar" or even expressions like "myvar *= var3/(2-1)" |
STO÷ | No | Use Python variables instead, e.g. "myar = 100, myvar += 1, var2 = myvar" or even expressions like "myvar *= var3/(2-1)" |
STO– | No | Use Python variables instead, e.g. "myar = 100, myvar += 1, var2 = myvar" or even expressions like "myvar *= var3/(2-1)" |
STR? | ✓ (renamed) |
(x) |
If the x-register contains an Alpha string, |
SUM | ✓ | Assign the two return values into variables e.g. 'a, b = SUM()' | () | Returns the sums Σx and Σy into the x- and y-registers. |
TAN | ✓ | (n) | Tangent. Returns tan(x). | |
TANH | ✓ | (n) | Hyperbolic tangent. Returns tanh(x). | |
TONE | ✓ | (n) |
Sounds a tone. Parameter: tone number (0–9) |
TRACE | ✓ | () | Select Trace printing mode, which prints a record of keystrokes and results. | |
TRANS | ✓ | (mvar) | Return the transpose of the matrix in the x-register. | |
UVEC | ✓ | (n) | Unit vector. Return the unit vector for the matrix or complex number in the x-register. | |
VARMENU | ✓ | Also check out the new advanced Python function varmenu() |
Create a variable menu using MVAR instructions following the specified global label. Parameter: global program label. |
VIEW | ✓ | (var) |
View the contents of a register or variable. Parameter: register or variable |
WMEAN | ✓ | () | Weighted mean. Return the mean of x-values weighted by the y-values Σxy / Σy that have been stored with Σ+. | |
WRAP | No | Use Python matrix/list indexing and slicing syntax. |
X<0? | No | Use Python "if" statements instead. E.g. "if var1 == var2 or (var3 >= var4):"... |
X<> | No | Use Python variables |
X<>Y | No | Use Python variables |
X<Y? | No | Use Python "if" statements instead. E.g. "if var1 == var2 or (var3 >= var4):"... |
X=0? | No | Use Python "if" statements instead. E.g. "if var1 == var2 or (var3 >= var4):"... |
X=Y? | No | Use Python "if" statements instead. E.g. "if var1 == var2 or (var3 >= var4):"... |
X>0? | No | Use Python "if" statements instead. E.g. "if var1 == var2 or (var3 >= var4):"... |
X>Y? | No | Use Python "if" statements instead. E.g. "if var1 == var2 or (var3 >= var4):"... |
XEQ | N/A | Just call a function e.g. myfunc() |
XOR | No | Use built in Python boolean operators instead e.g. "not val or val2 and val3" |
XTOA | ✓ | Parameter can be an integer or a string | (n_or_str) | X to Alpha. Appends a character (specified by the code in the x-register) to the Alpha register. If the x-register contains an Alpha string, appends the entire string. |
X↑2 | ✓ (renamed) | y**2 | (n) | Square. Returns x2. |
X≠0? | No | Use Python "if" statements instead. E.g. "if var1 == var2 or (var3 >= var4):"... |
X≠Y? | No | Use Python "if" statements instead. E.g. "if var1 == var2 or (var3 >= var4):"... |
X≤0? | No | Use Python "if" statements instead. E.g. "if var1 == var2 or (var3 >= var4):"... |
X≤Y? | No | Use Python "if" statements instead. E.g. "if var1 == var2 or (var3 >= var4):"... |
X≥0? | No | Use Python "if" statements instead. E.g. "if var1 == var2 or (var3 >= var4):"... |
X≥Y? | No | Use Python "if" statements instead. E.g. "if var1 == var2 or (var3 >= var4):"... |
YINT | ✓ | () | y-intercept. Returns the y-intercept of the curve fitted to the current statistical data. | |
Y↑X | ✓ (renamed) | y**x | (n) | Power. Returns yx. |
× | ✓ | Multiplication. Returns x × y. | ||
÷ | ✓ | Division. Returns y / x. | ||
Σ+ | ✓ (renamed) |
(y,x) | Summation plus. Accumulate a pair of x- and y values into the summation registers. |
Σ- | ✓ (renamed) |
(y,x) | Summation minus. Subtract a pair of x- and y-values from the summation registers. |
ΣREG | ✓ (renamed) |
(n) |
Summation registers. Defines which storage register begins the block of summation registers. Parameter: register number |
ΣREG? | ✓ (renamed) |
() | Return the register number of the first summation register. |
– | ✓ | Subtraction. Returns y – x. | ||
← | No | Use Python matrix/list indexing and slicing syntax. |
↑ | No | Use Python matrix/list indexing and slicing syntax. |
→ | No | Use Python matrix/list indexing and slicing syntax. |
→DEC | ✓ (renamed) |
(n) | To decimal. Converts the octal (base 8) representation of a number to decimal (base 10). Note: This function is included to provide program compatibility with the HP-41 (which uses the function name DEC). |
→DEG | ✓ (renamed) |
(n) | To degrees. Convert an angle-value from radians to degrees. Returns x×(180/π). |
→HMS | ✓ (renamed) |
(n) | To hours, minutes, and seconds. Convert x from a decimal fraction to a minutes-seconds format. |
→HR | ✓ (renamed) |
(n) | To hours. Converts x from a minutes-seconds format to a decimal fraction. |
→OCT | ✓ (renamed) |
(n) | To octal. Converts a decimal number to the octal representation. Note: This function is included to provide program compatibility with the HP-41 (which uses the function name OCT). |
→POL | ✓ |
Takes one or two parameters. If the parameter is a single complex number, returns a single complex number e.g. complex_num = toPOL(complex_num) . If the parameters are two normal numbers, returns two normal numbers - assign the two return values into variables e.g. a, b = toPOL(1, 2)
(...) | To polar. Converts x and y to the corresponding polar coordinates r and θ. If the x-register contains a complex number, converts the two parts of the number to polar values. |
→RAD | ✓ (renamed) |
(n) | To radians. Converts a angle value in degrees to radians. Returns x×(π/180). |
→REC | ✓ |
Takes one or two parameters. If the parameter is a single complex number, returns a single complex number e.g. complex_num = toREC(complex_num) . If the parameters are two normal numbers (θ,r) , returns two normal numbers - assign the two return values into variables e.g. a, b = toREC(1, 2)
(...) | To rectangular. Converts r (in the x-register) and θ (in the y-register) to the corresponding rectangular coordinates, x and y. If the X-register contains a complex number, converts the two parts of the number to rectangular values. |
↓ | No | Use Python matrix/list indexing and slicing syntax. |
◄ | Not programmable | Backspace or clear x-register. In Program entry mode, deletes the current program line. Not programmable |
Acknowledgement: List of commands taken from the Alternative HP-42S/Free42 Manual
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